Photography, Travel Florian Kriechbaumer Photography, Travel Florian Kriechbaumer

Bologna - From Tall Towers and Statues with Secrets

On a recent roadtrip to San Marino we passed Bologna, one of Italy’s largest cities and home to one of its most peculiar architectural features.


On a recent roadtrip to San Marino we passed Bologna, one of Italy’s largest cities and home to one of its most peculiar architectural features. Of course that was reason enough to take a small detour and spend a few hours in the city to document this special sight - in the process, we found another rather questionable historic remnant, read on to find out…

The larger of the two towers, Asinelli, is visible from many of the city’s streets at a height of almost 100m.

Take a flight around the towers.

A Statue with a Secret

Not far from the towers and near the Basilica di San Petronio on the Piazza Maggiore you’ll find another oddity in the city - this time facing horizontal rather than vertical…

There’s a lot more to see in the city, and a return is definitely on the cards the next time I’m in the Emilia-Romagna region.

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